Friday, January 20, 2012

February 24, 1901*

From: Helen A. Reardon, S. Natick Mass
To: Frank Gleasure, 82 West Canton Street, Boston, Mass

My dear Frank,

We were very sorry indeed to hear of your painful accident and all sincerely hope you will be wise enough to do just as the doctor says in regard to taking care of your han[missing]** until it is entirely heal[missing]

Henry Pfeiffer had much [missing] an experience as you ha[missing] had last summer but he had good pluck as you have had and he uses his hand quite a good deal. He got blood poisoning into his, however, and was in bed with it several weeks which I hope will not be your fate. We are very very thankful it was no worse. I feel sure you must have pleased your employers in order for them to consider paying you for the lost time. I hope they will do so.

I cannot imagine [missing] you wrote so well [missing] your left hand. I [missing] not have done it.

I received a letter from Annie which I answered at once, being very glad to hear from her. I fear she did not receive it by what you say.

It will be a great day for you when your father and Annie and the children come over. You must be looking out for a place for Joe. I suppose you will become so accustomed to city life that you will all like to live in the city.

Shields Burr has been very sick indeed [missing] for many weeks. H[missing] is just now able to [missing] up. He got a position in a mill in Providence and had not been there long when he came home sick.

I have not seen Miss Hartwell. I have been very busy and she has not been very well.

We have wondered many times why you did not come out to see us. It very easy now to take a run out some Sunday on the electrics via Needham.

Let us know how you [missing] and if the stiffness [missing] out of your hand [missing] can use it.

Let us know also if you have taken advantage of any of the privileges of the city. The Public Library, the free lectures, etc. I hope so. We all send love and good wishes,

Helen A. Reardon

*Addressed "Feb. 24, 1901" but postmarked "FEB 24 1902"
**Portions of this letter were ripped when Frank removed the corner with the stamp on it from the envelope.

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