Saturday, January 28, 2012

December 16, 1902

From: Annie Gleasure, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 82 West Canton Street, Boston, Mass.

Dear Frank,

Perhaps you will be wondering why I have never wrote to you all the time past but letter writing is a thing I never like. We are all well here at present. Joe and May are getting on well at school. We have had scarcely any rain this winter, but bright frosty days. I suppose it must be quite deep with snow over there. I should like to go over soon if only I could. Pat Dillon and his wife are coming to Listowel about the first of the year. He will still remain in the police force, and his wife will set up a tea shop. They have taken the house next to Crowleys. I haven't any more to tell you now. Hoping we will hear from you soon, and wishing you a happy Christmas and a bright New Year, I remain yours affectionately,

Annie Gleasure

P.S. We are each sending you some Christmas cards.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your site via Geneabloggers and am interested in seeing how your letters unfold. I've also been working on transcribing my family's letters (most of them during and after WWII), so it is a particular fascination to me to see how others handle sharing such material. Looking forward to reading further.
