Monday, January 7, 2013

April 20, 1925

From: May Baker, 12 Dunedin, Connaught Ave. Cork.
To: Frank Gleasure, 89 Surrey St. Brighton, Mass. U.S.A.

My dear Frank,

I received your most welcomed letter last week and was delighted at hearing from you once again.  I was very sorry you had such bad news for me in it, you must feel very upset over it, death is a terrible thing in a family and your children all so young, your wife is an awful loss, for really there is no one like a mother to children its a pity some one of us is not out near you to be some help to you with them. I sent your letter home to Annie but I did not hear from her since perhaps she may change her mind and go over to you its very hard to say what she intends to do she says one thing now and then she changes her mind to another thing and you would not like & advise her as she may blame a person after for anything. she would like to start business here in Cork but its very hard to get a suitable place for her and rent is very high in the city which she don't seem to think so.  Are there any of your wifes people over there near you.  I wrote to you about the end of March and sent it to Parsons St I suppose you did not get it, I hope you will write to me regular in the future I often wondered during last two years how you were and why you were not writing.  I'd often think if you had met with an accident so many things strike into a persons head.  About things at home business is slack enough Annie told me in her last letter but George has gone into other things beside the liquor trade he has a van going through the country with stuff and buying eggs and shipping them he also goes in for the salmon fishing business he has ten boats and nets of his own and does very well that is if the season is good for the fish, he also does a little in the cattle dealing business. a person must do something to make ends meet and the drink business is not what it was years ago.  As for myself I am still living here with my people-in law.  trying to make both ends meet at times, there has being so much war in this country that it caused a lot of unemployment and loss of money, people were all idle.  I have two little boys now Joe the eldest aged 4 years and George who was born last Xmas Eve.  George come near losing his wife last year she had a premature birth, the baby having being dead for some time she was pretty bad for awhile.  I suppose you don't meet any of the Dillons now or hear from Miss Reardon.  I often wonder if we will ever see you again.  I don't suppose we would know one another now if we met by the way have you any Photo of yourself and family.  I would like to have one especially of yourself as they had none to spare of you at home will you send me one of yourself if you have it.  I would be glad to have one.  the Photo's I sent you while I was at home were the Photo's of us all when we were young its a pity they went astray.  I don't think I have any more to write about this time but I hope I'll hear from you very soon again.  I hope you'll be good to the kiddies I feel for you all especially the children. as they are all so young without a mother may God comfort and take care of you all with best wishes from
Yours loving sister

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