Monday, January 28, 2013

July 10, 1938

From: Jimmy Gleasure, Citizens Military Training Camp, Fort McKinley, Maine
To: Frank Gleasure, 59 Royal St. Allston, Mass.

Dear Pa,

I arrived yesterday we got of at Portland, then got a ride to the wharver.  a ship comes and brought us to the island.  We get up at 5.40 get dressed and make our bed and be out a 6.5.  then we line up for inspection.  Next is breakfast.  After breakfast is exercise then drill to twelve then dinner and more drill. 

The "[enearshion?]" is K.P. auther words is table water for 24 hours You have to wate at the side for breakfast dinner + supper then wash the dishes.  And boy are you pauped then is guard duty 2 hours a night.  Tell Martha, Theresa, George + Madeline to right.  If I don't write for a while that means they ran out of stamps and I will have to what a while untill the ship brings the stamps across the bay.  Well I have to go to bed now

Your Son


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