Monday, March 19, 2012

June 22nd, 1906

From: George Gleasure, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Dear Frank,

I am writing you a few lines hoping you are getting along well and in good health as well are at present they are all well out at Tullig also only Adam buried a little boy three months old a few weeks ago he has one boy and two girls living now all the presents you sent at Christmas are very nice but the fob chain you sent me did not suit me some kind of chain would be better nevertheless it is very nice all those books that you sent are very interesting the lads had two more about two weeks ago the book you sent some time ago about pioneer life in America was a very interesting book ilent it to Tom Silles some time ago because he is always asking about you and he said it was asplendid book those music books you sent are also verry good books verry fine tunes in them we have learnt a good many of them all ready the young lad would be an expert at music if he got some professional tips he is a wonder to some people considering his size to see him play a fiddle now iwant to tell you about Joe he wrote to you some time ago iunderstand for to go out to you and iwould not say against him by any means although iwould miss him for the time he is well prepared to take care of him self now and was averry good boy for me as he never made up with the low element and iam sorry icould not extend the busines and keep him at home ithink it it better have you both together and he may not be any harm to you either so if you send him apassage about the first of August or the first week so as he would be over before fall sets in write when you get this letter and let us know how you are as we got no letter with the books and was expecting it let us know if you have seen Patt Sullivan as Joe wrote to you about him before he went we have heard but verry little about him since he went isuppose you don't see the Bailies or Burs verry often ihave not heard any thing about them of late of course you remember tom Connor the shoemaker Jameses son he set up in busines at home after leaving Kilflyn and was doing all right and had fifty or sixty pounds in bank himself and jude daughtons daughter cleared about three weeks about three weeks ago it is thought to America all the res of them is at home yet the same as you new them sometimes all right and sometimes wrong now as ihave no mor to say hoping to find you in good health write and let us know what you are doing
George Gleasure Listowel
Frank Gleasure Brighton Mass

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