Tuesday, March 27, 2012

December 29, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Boston U.S.A.

Dear Frank,

I am sending you the post cards I promised you. I neglected to send them along with the others. We got all the presents in the meantime.

From your loving Brother,

Joe Gleasure

Saturday, March 24, 2012

December 18, 1906

From: George F. Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street Brighton, Massachusetts

Dear Frank,

I suppose you are looking out for a Christmas letter from me now, and as we got our Holidays last Friday I thought I would write to you. We were very busy for the last week practicing for a concert which we are having tonight. We are getting pledge medals then for joining the band of hope three years ago. I am sending my photo and a little card along with this letter. I received the books you sent me on the eight of December and I was very pleased with them they are fine books. I have two of them read already. Annie and May will send you some things later on. Will you write to me before Christmas. I will close now as I have nothing more of interest to write about.

I remain
Your loving Brother
George F. Gleasure

Friday, March 23, 2012

December 15, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts

My Dear Brother,

I hope the arrival of this letter will find in good health as we all are at home. I should have wrote sooner but I hadn't much of interest to write times are so dull on this side.

We got your bundle of papers a few weeks ago, and Georgie got his books alright.

Ye are having pretty fair weather now I believe but we are getting some winter weather here.

I saw Miss Buckley around before she went over. She was working in Waterville I believe before. There was another sister of her's went over at the time Mike Dillon was going back. Jack Dooling is at home now. He got very stout since he went. The people here are expecting a great crowd back next Spring.

You seem to have a pretty good job now. I hope I will get a nice job when I will go over. I would like to be leaving about the latter part of March for America. There are a lot of young fellows going over next Spring for there are no prospects for them here. Even the laboring class have no work to get this winter and tradesmen are working for eight and nine shillings a week.

I am following my physical exercises all the time. I intend to join a gymnasium when I go over if I get the chance. We have a one erected in the Sports Field for the last two years, but they seem to be getting no good out of it.

We are sending you a nice pocket case and some post cards with views of Listowel and district. I think it will be rather late when they get over. If you would care for and newspapers I will send some after Christmas.

I will close now as I have no more of interest to write wishing you a merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

Your Loving Brother


Thursday, March 22, 2012

October 28, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

My Dear Frank,-

I think it is about time I should write and let you know how we are getting on at home. I would write oftener but there is not much of interest going on here.

We are just beginning to get the winter here now. To-day (Sunday) is the coldest day we had yet, with rain and sleet falling very often. The weather this Summer was not so hot as past years, rain falling mostly every second day. And the crops are all very bad in consequence.

We had our annual two days Races about three weeks ago, and past off alright with the exception of a man being drowned in the Castle Hole and didn't come to the surface for fourteen days. To-morrow we will have the October big fair. The fairs are nearly twice as big as when you were here, and our business is rapidly increasing every year.

I am sending you a few pictures I took this Summer. Two of them are pictures of a circus procession and another is a picture of a fair. I expect to have some more very soon.

Is it long since you were in South Natick? I would like to live there for a while if I could get a suitable job there. It is nice to live in the country after being shut up in the city for a long time. Tending bar would be a nice job for me to take up when I go over being so well up in it here. I would like to learn some light trade such as a barber or a motor engineer that would stand to you wherever you go.

We got those bundles of papers alright. The people out at Tullig are all well. The old man is very feeble now. I hope you will write soon again. As I have no more of interest to write, I will close remaining

Your loving brother,

Joe Gleasure

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

September 11, 1906

From: May Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Mass

My dear Frank,

I suppose you think I am never going to answer your last letter, I have been putting it off for so long. We have very changeable weather over here now. One day is wet and a couple of days are fine. I was out in Tullig the first week in August, then I came in for the big sports, George went out a few days after and stopped out for two weeks.

George and I are able to ride the bicycle now we learned during out holidays, I would like to have one of my own Annie is very near able to ride.

Did you hear that Paul Dillon was going over this month, his brother Ned is at home to see him before he goes and Tom is coming on next Thursday.

All the Parkinsons were at home this summer and Tom Parkinson was asking were you out walking as he did not see you about the place, you may be sure we laughed, he was surprised when we told him that you were gone to America five or six years ago.

Rich Parkinson will be getting his pension about Christmas time, and Tom will be getting his in October 1907. We are not able to play on the organ only by air and it is very slow work trying to learn without a teacher and father would not give us the money for to learn he told us to write and ask you for it. All the McCarthy are able to play now, and they asks us why we don't learn. It only took one of them five or six months to learn and now she can play any piece of music that is set before her and she is only about 13 years old. Willie McCarthy is a doctor in Dublin now, all the big girls came home from Germany this summer where they were at school for the last year or two. Eva Stephens is in the Listowel Post Office for the last three years. The two Sweetmans girls are going away to England this month for to go to a boarding school. Dick Sweetman was in Dublin last year to pass an examination for the Bank of Ireland but he failed and is at home again. There is a mission in the chapel for the last week. Nell Dowling is always asking about you. She took one of you photos when she saw them. Maggie Dowling is going to America next Spring if her brother send her the money. Louie Parkinson took two of your photos, one of the big ones and one of the small ones, the ones you send last Christmas every one said that they were not a bit like you. Did you get the letter George sent to you about the first of August? He is looking out for an answer every day. Joe got the last book you sent him. I liked the books you sent Annie some time ago, I like reading fairy tale stories. Joe has two of my photo but he would not give them to me. We are longing for the sight of an American newspaper. Hoping you will send some as soon as you get this, I remain

Your Loving Sister,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

August 2, 1906

From: George F. Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Mass, U.S.A

Dear Frank

I must write to you now it is a long time since you received my last letter. In fact I had no time to write, with learning day and Sunday school lessons and the violin, but now we have our holidays so I thought I would write to you. May went out to Tullig last Monday for a couple of weeks. I am going out after the Annual Sports which are to be held next Sunday. I am having fine times with the Soldiers you send me. The last book you send me was very nice. I like to ready about Fairy tales. Jerry Carrol came back about three weeks ago. We had a very wet Summer this year how is the weather over there. Hoping to hear from you soon

I remain,
Your loving brother,
George F. Gleasure

I am sending the photo that was taken last. Joe says it is not done yet. But I will send it soon.

July 30th, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Massachusetts U.S.A

Dear Frank,-

I hope this letter will find you in good health as we all are at home. We received your last letter about two weeks ago and are glad you are doing well. The great Summer heat is beginning to leave ye by now I suppose. We had no Summer weather this year, we have rain mostly every second day since the first of May.

May and George have vacation now and will be going to the country this week maybe. May is growing very big and stout lately. She is nearly as big as myself now.

I was more than surprised when you told father you wouldn't take me out till next Spring after you promised me you would send for me this year. By any chance, I will not wait till next year. If father does not send me next month, I will get a job myself in some grocery and spirit house and then go myself next year. I could not stop here any longer. I have given up studying all together, for I couldn't study and mind the shop both. All my schooling will be useless if I stop here another year. Send for me next month if you possibly can and you will not be sorry.

There are a great many coming back this year from America, but next year there will be any amount come, there being a cheap fare to the Dublin Exhibition. Jerry Carroll came back again too a few weeks ago.

Have you seen Mike Dillon since he was in this country. Paul has finished school this year, but is too young to be ordained. He will be going out to Washington, DC in September.

I suppose you never came across Pat Sullivan yet. You would hardly know him anyway.

Adam and his people are all well, but the old man is a bit feeble and stiff. All the Parkinsons are at home now on vacation, three policemen and Maryanne. There was another one of them died after completing his term in the London police about a year ago. I will close now as I have no more of interest to write.

Your loving brother,

Joseph Gleasure

Monday, March 19, 2012

June 22nd, 1906

From: George Gleasure, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 22 Herrick Street, Brighton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Dear Frank,

I am writing you a few lines hoping you are getting along well and in good health as well are at present they are all well out at Tullig also only Adam buried a little boy three months old a few weeks ago he has one boy and two girls living now all the presents you sent at Christmas are very nice but the fob chain you sent me did not suit me some kind of chain would be better nevertheless it is very nice all those books that you sent are very interesting the lads had two more about two weeks ago the book you sent some time ago about pioneer life in America was a very interesting book ilent it to Tom Silles some time ago because he is always asking about you and he said it was asplendid book those music books you sent are also verry good books verry fine tunes in them we have learnt a good many of them all ready the young lad would be an expert at music if he got some professional tips he is a wonder to some people considering his size to see him play a fiddle now iwant to tell you about Joe he wrote to you some time ago iunderstand for to go out to you and iwould not say against him by any means although iwould miss him for the time he is well prepared to take care of him self now and was averry good boy for me as he never made up with the low element and iam sorry icould not extend the busines and keep him at home ithink it it better have you both together and he may not be any harm to you either so if you send him apassage about the first of August or the first week so as he would be over before fall sets in write when you get this letter and let us know how you are as we got no letter with the books and was expecting it let us know if you have seen Patt Sullivan as Joe wrote to you about him before he went we have heard but verry little about him since he went isuppose you don't see the Bailies or Burs verry often ihave not heard any thing about them of late of course you remember tom Connor the shoemaker Jameses son he set up in busines at home after leaving Kilflyn and was doing all right and had fifty or sixty pounds in bank himself and jude daughtons daughter cleared about three weeks about three weeks ago it is thought to America all the res of them is at home yet the same as you new them sometimes all right and sometimes wrong now as ihave no mor to say hoping to find you in good health write and let us know what you are doing
George Gleasure Listowel
Frank Gleasure Brighton Mass

Saturday, March 17, 2012

May 8, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 33 Arden Street, Allston, Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Brother,-

I hope you are healthy and strong as we all are at home. We received the papers you sent on Sunday, and were very interested in them, owing to the Earthquake disaster in San Francisco. The papers here only gave an outline of it.

I would have wrote long ago, but you said in your last letter you were going out to Allston again. I am writing now to tell you there is a fellow going to Boston from here and father wants you to meet him if you possibly can as he has nobody there to meet him. He is Pat Sullivan that used to be in Lord Listowel's office at Gurtenard I am sure you remember him. He is sailing Saturday 12th May on the Cymric and expects to land about Sunday the 20th. He is a great friend of ours and is in with us every day. I hope you won't forget it.

We are getting some very rainy weather here for the last two weeks. I suppose ye have very fine weather over there now.

I hope you won't forget to send for me about August as you promised. Father won't have no objection to let me go, as I will have to go some time. I am heartily sick of this place. I would go mad if I am here very long more. I haven't got a friend in Listowel since Peter went away. So I ask you to let me know for fact if you will carry me over this Summer. As I have no more of interest to write, I will remain

Your loving Brother
Joseph Gleasure (written in shorthand)
My name in shorthand

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 6, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 82 West Canton Street, Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Frank,

We received your most welcome letter last week, and were surprised you did not write sooner.  February was a very bad month but we are getting some finer weather now.

I can understand from your letter that you did not get the pictures or the Christmas Cards I sent at Christmas.  I sent a letter also and another in January.  They must have been stolen or lost if you did not get them, for I was surprised when you said nothing about them.  I sent them the time the large picture and the handkerchiefs were sent.  Georgie and May also wrote you a letter about the time that you wrote yours, and I suppose you had changed at the time.  Work must be very scarce over there now I suppose.  It would be very hard to get back firing again I suppose.  A driver or conductor on an electric car ought to be a nice job if you could get it.  You wouldn't ever think of being a policeman I suppose, but I believe you must pass an examination for them.

I am going to ask you to take me over this summer.  I am only wasting my time here and if I waited any longer, I would be getting too old, I will be twenty years old next month.  I am learning short hand for the last six months myself, and in another few months I will be able to write it quick enough for an office.  So there will be no fear of me when I go over.  I couldn't stop here any longer idling around.  I took a prize too a short while ago for a test in handwriting, which was given by a civil service institute in Belfast.

Annie and May are very nice players now on the organ.  I never told you Georgie is able to play the violin.  He is quite a player now after father.  I have a photograph taken of him which I will send when I have some more ready.  It is a pity you didn't get the ones I sent at Christmas.  I will ride out on a bicycle to Tullig some Sunday and take the people out there soon.  They were in town last week and the old people are very strong yet.  The old man is about 81 years of age now.  I will send you some papers if you would care to see them.  There is not much of interest in the papers here.

I will now close hoping I will meet you this summer.  Write soon again, and trust in the Lord for he will bring us out of all difficulties.

I remain
Your loving Brother

Thursday, March 15, 2012

February 10, 1906

From: May Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Co Kerry, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 33 Arden Street, Allston, Massachusetts

My dear Frank

I was expecting a letter from you all last month. Did you get the cards and presents which we sent, the pin which you sent me was very nice and every one admired it, we all thought that they were lost they didn't arrive untill four or five days after Joes things. Mr. Crosbie gave a very nice treat a week after Christmas, we had tea at Gurtnard House and when the tea was over, we all came down to the school where the Christmas tree and concert was going to be. We all got our things off, the tree and then it was removed out to the yard, then Mr. Crosbie did some very nice conjuring tricks. The school children sang two action songs, and then a few girls played on the piano and sang some songs. Our organ is a very good one. I would rather a piano than an organ because I don't like pressing the pedals.

We go out to Tullig every summer when we get our holidays. Sometimes we go out in the train and other times by car. The old man does not do any work now. I would not know you at all in the photographs you sent last if I didn't know that it was you who sent them. Hoping you will write to me soon, I remain
Your loving sister,
May Gleasure

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

February 3, 1906

From: George F. Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry
To: Frank Gleasure, 33 Arden Street, Allston, Massachusetts

My Dear Frank,

I was expecting a letter from you during last Month. Did you get the presents we sent. I liked the knife very much it is frightful sharp. and annie cut herself the first time she took it in her hand. The book you send Joe is very interesting about the indians I have it nearly all read now. I have the soldiers you send me yet. I bought Cannon for them and I am going to make tents for them. Mr. Crosbie gave a nice party and a Christmas tree it was a nice party there was a lot of people at it. We are selling a lot of things in the shop now. how is the weather over there now we had a very good winter this season. Me and May go out to Tullig every summer when the hay is making we do have good sport tumbling in the hay. The old man don't do any work now he is getting very old. Be sure and write soon.
I remain-
your loving brother
George F. Gleasure

P.S. have you any notion of coming home?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

January 10, 1906

From: Annie Gleasure, The Square, Listowel, Ireland
To: Frank Gleasure, 33 Arden Street, Allston, Massachsuetts

My dear brother,

I fear you have missed a letter from me at Christmas when all the rest wrote to you so I am writing now to tell you that we have received the presents and letter that you have so kindly sent.  We were all delighted with the gifts; the braclet especially was much admired, (May was quite envious) though I do not care very much about jewellary, I should prefer a tiny gold watch.  By the way, those photographs don't look a bit like you.  May and I will have ours taken in Tralle next Summer if possible.  This town is going on much the same, so there is nothing new to write about it.

Mr. Crosby is giving a tea party at Gurtnard House tomorrow, and a Christmas tree and concert in the schoolroom afterwards.  I am sure it will be very pleasant.  May intends writing and telling you all about it next week.

I expect you have had a good laugh when you read Georgie's letter, for he has small letters where he should have had capital letters and vice versa.

I am glad to hear you are doing so well at your work; I only I were earning my own living by now.  I was disappointed in not received some money to take music lessons: for I intended starting at the first of the year.  Will you send some as soon as convenient?  I find my letter is an awful scribble as I read it over, so you must excuse it.  I must close now, wishing you every prosperity during the coming year and remaining your affectionate sister Annie.

Monday, March 12, 2012

January 6, 1906

From: Joseph Gleasure, The Square, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 33 Arden Street, Allston, Massachusetts

My Dear Brother,

We received all the presents which you sent. The unregistered ones got here the day after Christmas, and the registered ones arrived the 29th Dec. They were very nice and May and George were well pleased with theirs. I suppose you got our letters too alright. I suppose you remember all the pictures I sent you. There are not many pictures around here of interest to take. The old Castles are all knocked only the big ivy clad one. If the weather got clear I would take a good many pictures around here. You must have a nice clear sky to take pictures outside. I didn't finish our pictures yet. I am waiting to take Annie's before I send them. When I am going over I will take a good many as I go along. I could take places around Queenstown and on the ship and if I went to South Natick I could take a good many and send them back here.

We are going to get some cold weather here now. We always have fairly good weather up to Christmas, but then we get a good many hail storms for a month or so, then the weather gets mild again. I got the papers about the Civil Service and your pictures which were a good deal better than the last ones. The Railway mail service is a grand position and would answer me very well, but you must be 5 ft 6 in for it and I will never be that as I am a little over 5 ft 4 in at present but the Customs or Internal Revenue is just as good, but I would prefer the Railway mail service as you would have a chance to see the country. I suppose I will have to rough it for a while till I see the way of the country. I have no doubt but I will be alright after spending a year there. If I was to go this year, I would like to go about April. I couldn't stop in Listowel another year for anything.

None of the Connors are thinking of making a shift. They are all a drunken crowd, except Jim, who doesn't come to town at all. But James and John are always drunk in town. John was locked up for drunkness a week ago. Adam has four children now I think, and they are all well and strong out there. As I have no more of interest to write, I will close hoping this letter may find you in good health as we all are

I will remain
Your loving brother,
Joseph Gleasure