Friday, October 12, 2012

October 22, 1913

From: May Gleasure, Listowel Square
To: Frank Gleasure, 4 Bayard Street, Allston, Mass. U.S.A.

My dear Frank,

I received your most welcomed letter about a week ago and was very glad to learn by same that ye are quite well we are all about the same over here.  We are just about getting the bad weather now it was just like summer until this week we had a very good year.  We had the Races here last week and had a great time at them.  The weather could not be better than it was and the town was packed with people there was never such a crowd seen at them, we done splendid business at them.  I did not go to the Race Course at all but all the others did they never let me go to them.  The Big November Fair is coming off next week I suppose you remember that, thats the day we'll have to work, the town is impoving every year in the line of fairs and markets and business is increasing, father has given me charge of the place now I have to see after all the accounts of the shop we don't keep any apprentice now because George is a lot of his time in the shop.  Annie would like very much to do some thing for herself but she would not say anything about it to father she'd like very much to go out to you, and in fact we all want to go over I'm getting sick of this place its so dull the same old life from year to year, that fellow you see in the post-card said he'd take me out in a few years if I went with him we are going together for the last 2 years and a half, he is in a drapers shop here in town and is a very steady boy, he is a Catholic but that won't make any difference between us you need not say anything about him in your letter while you're writing as father would see it and I don't want him to know anything about him you can write it on a separate piece of paper if you are saying anything Annie don't go with any fellow she only plays away with them all.  I will send you that Photo for Annie Dillon soon, its a wonder she never drops us a line or even to her father did you say anything about it to her, he always asks me if you say anything about her in your letters or about Lizzie do you see her at all.  Well Frank ye ought to have come home this year for awhile is there any chance that ye'd come next year Father Paul Dillon is coming home next April and I don't know if Mike will come or not.  by the way I was speaking to Katy Buckley about a week after I wrote to you the last time she said that you were doing fine she told me all about the little baby.  I got those last papers and music alright send some more soon if you can as we are short of reading lately.  I will now close Hoping you will write very soon again I remain
Your loving sister

Send me as much of the Boston Sunday Magisnes as you can also the Boston Sunday Globes

May Gleasure 1913 [companion unknown]

1 comment:

  1. Ah, romance for May at last but a clandestine one. Today there are no Protestants left in The Square. It is interesting to see how they are already being diminished in number by marrying and converting to Catholicism by 1913.
    Hard to believe that May has been seeing a local "boy" for 2 years and her father has not got word of it.
    Why did Frank never come back to see his family, I wonder. There is no rift ever hinted at. Mysterious!
