Wednesday, October 31, 2012

February 24, 1914

From: May Gleasure, The Square, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 4 Bayard St. Allston, Mass. U.S.A.

My dear Frank,

I hope you'll excuse me for not answering your letter ever since.  I have being sick with a bad cold for the last three weeks, we have such bad weather here that its very easy to catch cold there nothing but torrents of rain every day.  It was awful about your little baby getting sick again, is it all right yet I wonder, we were surprised when we heard it.  it is very hard to take care of young children some times.  I hope that it is quite recovered by this.  I did not send the wrap to your wife yet, the fact of it is I have not got it quite finished yet I being sick and everything I did not feel like working.  I will be able to send you some Camera snap shots very soon as I got a present of a camera from my fellow.  the weather is not bright enough yet for taking them.  I tried a few and I succeeded with them all right.  I will send you a few samples shortly Its a No 2 Brownie the same kind as Joe had.  I suppose ye had a lot of snow over there this year I see by the paper where New York was in an awful state with it we got no snow at all this year as yet Jerry Carroll and his wife and family are coming home next month He has two children, I think he is enclined to stop at home now, there is only one boy at home and he is no good for their trade.  I don't think I have any more to say at present so I will close Hoping this will find ye all in the best of Health Write soon as tell me how the little baby is getting on.  I remain
Your loving sister

Is there any chance you could send us some Newspapers I wold like to get those Boston Sunday Globes or the Boston Sunday Magazines.

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