Friday, October 5, 2012

January 21, 1913

From: May Gleasure, The Square, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 4 Bayard St., Allston, Mass, U.S.A.

My dear Frank,

I received your ever welcomed letter two or three days ago and was very glad at hearing from you. I was awfully sorry to hear that ye lost ye're little baby, it must have been an awful blow to ye. I knew all this time back that their was something the matter to say you never wrote and we were thinking that something happened to yourself we were very troubled over it, I had just a letter wrote to you when I received your's so I tore it up again. Did you get the parcel I sent you at Xmas, there was a piece of silk for the baby but the poor little thing never got the chance of wearing it, it was awfully sad about her the way she suffered. We have got a very bad winter here nothing but rain and storms all the time. I was out at Tullig last week for 4 days they are all quite well out there. Did I ever tell you that Mrs James Connor died last August, the boys are in a bad way now for a housekeeper they have got a servant girl but you can't depend on some of them I think that either Jim or John will get married this year and don't you think its time for them. Mrs Behane next door to us died at Xmas she was buried Xmas day. it was much the same complaint as father had and they delayed preforming the operation owing to having the wrong doctors. they had Dr Clancy & Dr Dillon and they would not preform the operation and they had to send to Dublin for one. and their it was to late they are bad friends with the Dr. father had and did not call him in he could do it himself and perhaps save her like he did to father. I don't think I have any more to say at present so I will close Hoping this will find ye well. as we all are at home Hoping you will write very soon again I remain
Your loving sister

Hope you won't forget to send me my music book.

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