Tuesday, September 4, 2012

March 23, 1911

From: May Gleasure, The Square, Listowel
To: Frank Gleasure, 437 Cambridge St, Allston, Mass, U.S.A.

My dear Frank,

I received your most kind and welcomed letter some time ago, but when you said you were sending me the songs I was not going to write until I'd received them but as they are not here yet I thought I would drop you a line hoping this will find you in good health as we all are here at present. We have very nice  weather here for the last 2 weeks. I suppose ye will be getting the fine weather there now by this. Bill Gleasure (Henry's Son) is sailing for that country next week he is going to Nashua where Alfey Parkinson went last year. The old man out at Tullig is not very well lately I am afraid he will not do much longer he was very bad about three weeks ago we thought he'd die any minute my father was out to see him and when he came back he said he'd hardly do 2 or 3 days however he got up since but his feet are all swelling again and that is a very bad sign. Was I telling you that one of our dogs won a silver cup down in Tipperary it is a very nice one but we will have to win it again next season to be the owners of it we got money along with it you know. I am sending you one of the Photos you asked me for and I hope you'll like it. It is much the same as the others it is not very well taken tell me how you like it the next time. I hope that music will land in a few days. Hoping you will write very soon again I remain
Your loving sister

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